Sunday, August 2, 2009

I got so many problems, and they weigh on my mind

Life is too short to be fucked around by 'friends' and I don't like that some of the people who really used to be my friends are now those shitty, useless 'friends' that are just baggage we all carry around and feel shit about.

I refuse to make any more attempts at friendships with people who aren't worth it and, to be honest, anyone who thinks that's terrible of me, can go and get fucked.

I want my friends to be the ones who I hang out with, have good times with and know I can count on for a night out and a laugh. And, most importantly, I want friends who care enough to accept me for me.

Fuck the rest.

Love always(for those who matter), Morgs.


  1. I accept you! No matter what.
    I love you Morgs.

    Oh and um... the one thing I said I wouldn't forget... I did... my Vaseline hahaha.

  2. You summed up everything i have always thought nicely!
    MISS YOU morgsssssssss
    traintimes this wednesday xD
